Sunday, July 25, 2010

vivi ulang tahun!!

yah nih post cuma buat ngucapin bithdae sekali lagi aja sehh..

Monday, July 19, 2010


Biarkan pulau menjamah
Bibir lautan yang kaku
Karena debur ombaknya
Telah terhenti sang waktu

Tengah kota malam terang
Pinggir desa malam gelap
Hamparan manusia terhenti jua
Termakan alunan sang waktu

Tetes hujan yang tak pernah jatuh
Tertahan di udara menggantung pilu
Tak pasti arah mana akan berakhir
Karena sang waktu telah pergi

Kiranya ia kembali
Kehidupan akan berjalan lagi
Seakan tak pernah berhenti
Dan tak ada yang kan menyadari

Sang waktu yang berkelana
Sendirinya dan sepinya
Hanya ia yang bertahan

Bersama sekelompok manusia
Hilir mudik lahir dan mati
Hanya ia yang menyaksikan

Sendirinya dan sepinya
Hanya ia yang tau
Sekali lagi sang waktu
Terus berjalan


Sonnia Haryani

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Lesson From A Dream

I was dreaming.
I saw myself, standing there, in front of an antique massive mirror.
I said,
I don't need someone to be the best part of my life
So, if one day they leave, I won't cry.
Also, I don't want to be the best part of someone's life
So, if I eventually leave, I don't make someone cries.
Then I saw someone, but somehow I couldn't see his face.
Yet, I might sense something familiar from his presence.
Expected, but still shocking, he spoke :

Is that so?
I hesitated for a while, then I replied,
I'm content with what I have and how I live for now.
But, isn't it what is called selfish ?
It struck my mind.
What's about being selfish stuff? It's obviously fair!

It's not. Think about it, you just keep your prior outer feeling and logic.
Anyway, isn't it yourself, only yourself, whom you can fully trust?

Or even so, isn't it yourself that you truly have?
Let's just stop this talking, alright?
You know it's true.
You're really easy for me to read.
What is it? Can he actually read mind?
Then, you should understand.
I had my best part and it ended.
Being the best part, the I got dumped.
I have changed and can never return!
My tears nearly fell.
His voice was still calm.
Why don't you try starting a new life of yours?
Life goes on, then you can't hide forever.
I didn't know how,  but his words encouraged me.
I know, but I just have no interest, even the slightest one.
It's my life anyway, I am the one who will go through everything, what I feel, what I do.
And it all has nothing to do with you.
I understand indeed.
But, isn't it just ... pathetic?"
It's none of your business !
You're just a stranger who's accidentally passing by, after all.
You don't even recognize me, eh?
Somehow the shadow disappeared, I could see his face.
I am yourself.
I come to deliver a message from the heart that you've abandoned for some times.
And I did.
~ A Lesson From A Dream ~

Monday, July 5, 2010

new house !

yay, akhirnya tanggal 28 Juni 2010 gue resmi pindah rumah..
cuma karena ad sodara nginep dan kebelumsepurnaan line internet drumah gue, jadi ga bisa langsung oL, sehingga hari ini barulah gue tulis d blog.. muhahaha..

trus tanggal 3 Juli kemaren, gue, rya, vivi, fio, frisca, sama desy (adeknya frisca) bareng" nonton Eclipse di PJ.
yah, lumayan, ad lucunya, tarungnya juga keren.. asoy lah, walo s bella emang semua mau *rada eneg juga bagian itu*.. =.=
kalo kata vivi fio, ada adegan mahonya ed ma jake.. muhaaha.. XP
abis itu makan mie tarik, banyak banget berasa ga abis" (emang ditarik mulu kali)..
s fio bayarin, baik sekali, terima kasih, *tunduk"

oia, gue dikasih hadiah lagi sama s pipi, ahh, harusnya gue foto trus gw masukin yahh..
fotonya menyusul dhe.. hehe.. XP
terima kasih!